Photo of Daniel Oddone Argentina

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Daniel Oddone, visual artist.

Argentina, was born on May 25, 1954 at 9 de Julio, Buenos Aires Province. He began his studies at age 6 with Professor Susan Di Benedetto, Olga Marta Ochoa and then Ornatti. It is perfect in Buenos Aires with the Masters and Ana Atilio Laguzzi Coletta. Works highlight the refined "glazes and transparencies."

He studied sculpture and its various teacher Adrian técnicascon...

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Photo of Daniel Oddone Argentina

Daniel Oddone, visual artist.

Argentina, was born on May 25, 1954 at 9 de Julio, Buenos Aires Province. He began his studies at age 6 with Professor Susan Di Benedetto, Olga Marta Ochoa and then Ornatti. It is perfect in Buenos Aires with the Masters and Ana Atilio Laguzzi Coletta. Works highlight the refined "glazes and transparencies."

He studied sculpture and its various teacher Adrian técnicascon harari the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires. Sculpture takes unconventional techniques and materials, creating textures and distinctive ways.

In decoration stands out through its "sculptural works." Expanded their knowledge through study of scenery and lighting and made publicly known creativity techniques in their participation in Cable TV programs such as "DIY" from Utilisima Satellite and "Ideas and Brushes" in Multichannel on Channel Magazine.

Obtained in 1998 the posts of Professor of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture at the Sociedad Argentina de Escritores (SADE), Club Gimnasia y Esgrima de Buenos Aires (GEBA) and St. James Parish of Belgrano. Exposed individually, collectively and in group and meeting rooms.

It is also a poet and writer. He recently edited a book of poems entitled "In love and loneliness," said municipal interest by the Honorable Council Deliverante, case No. 205/06.

is President of the International Association of Cultural Events, President dela Sub-Commission on Fine Arts Club Gimnasia Esgrima de Buenos Aires, editor of the magazine Art and Life, was part of the jury of the Argentina Society of Writers in the 1 st International Fair Made Tango 1997.

Is Director of "DanielOddone International Art Space."

Take obtained first prizes in honor of Gold and Silver Medal and Special Mentions as featured artist. It was declared of cultural interest the exhibition "Retrospective" held in the Hall of Lost Steps in the National Congress of Argentina for the H. Chamber of Deputies on September 23, 2003, as well as the one in the White Hall of the Municipality of July 9, Province of Buenos Aires on October 27, 2005.

Currently out in Argentina Salons participating in various art galleries. On the outside, out in the cities of Bari, Brindisi and Trani (Italy), in "The Spyglass" (Spain). United States stated in SI Fine Arts (New York) and Weatherburn Gallery (Naples, Florida) since 2006. A from 2007 also exhibited in "The Xpo / Jan Larsen Fine Art (New York) and participates in a group exhibition at Galerie Du Soleil (Miami, Florida) from 2008 tambienexpone in Salons Canada ...

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